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DocuCare Workflow Guide
DocuCare Workflow Guide

This guide provides a structured approach to using the AI Scribe app effectively in various clinical workflows.

Joseph Tutera avatar
Written by Joseph Tutera
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents

  • 1. The One-Stop Shop Workflow

  • 2. Paused Recording and Resumption Workflow

  • 3. Mobile Recording with Desktop Editing Workflow

  • 4. Collaboration with Medical Assistant or Nurse (Option 1)

  • 5. Collaboration with Medical Assistant or Nurse (Option 2)

  • 6. The Monologue Method

1. The One-Stop Shop Workflow

A streamlined approach for handling patient encounters efficiently.


  1. Select Patient: Begin by selecting the patient in the app or desktop.

  2. Record Entire Encounter: Record the whole patient encounter.

  3. Generate Note in Exam Room: Initiate the note generation process immediately after the encounter.

  4. Utilize Generation Time: Use the brief note generation period to complete other related tasks.

  5. Final Edits: Make the final edits using voice or keyboard functions.

  6. Push to EHR: Conclude by pushing the completed note to the EHR (If supported) or Copy/Pasting Fields into appropriate EHR fields

2. Paused Recording and Resumption Workflow

Ideal for healthcare professionals who need to start a recording, pause, and resume later while preserving the context.


  1. Start Recording: Begin by recording the patient encounter using the app.

  2. Pause as Needed: If an interruption occurs or a pause is needed, press the "pause" button to save the current state of the recording.

  3. Resume Recording: When ready to continue, simply resume the recording by pressing the "unpause" button.

  4. Complete Session: After the encounter, press the stop checkmark to end the recording session and generate the note.

    <aside> πŸ’‘ NOTE: You can leave the app while it is generating the note.


  5. Final Edits: Make the final edits using voice or keyboard functions.

  6. Push to EHR: Conclude by pushing the completed note to the EHR.

3. Mobile Recording with Desktop Editing Workflow

For professionals who prefer to record on mobile but do detailed editing on a larger desktop screen.


  1. Record on Mobile: Start by recording the patient encounter on the mobile app.

  2. Initiate Note Generation: Press the stop checkmark after the encounter to start the note generation process.

  3. Access Dashboard: Log in to your dashboard on DocuCare Admin from a desktop computer.

  4. Select Encounter: Choose the specific encounter you recorded on the mobile app.

  5. Desktop Editing: Use the larger screen and advanced editing tools on the desktop to make final edits to the note.

  6. Sync and Save: The changes made on the desktop will sync with the mobile app, ensuring consistency across devices.

  7. Finalize and Push: Once editing is complete, push the finalized note to the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system.

4. Collaboration with Medical Assistant or Nurse (Option 1)

For scenarios involving a Medical Assistant or Nurse collecting initial patient information.


  1. Assistant/Nurse Preparation: The Nurse or Assistant uses the app on their phone to record the conversation with the patient, asking necessary questions.

  2. Pause Recording: After their conversation, they pause the recording to save the current state.

  3. Doctor Joins: The Doctor enters, opens the app to the ongoing encounter, and unpauses the recording to continue.

  4. Complete Recording: Press the stop checkmark to start the note generation process.

  5. AI Integration: The AI will consider both the Nurse/Assistant and Doctor's conversations in the note creation.

5. Collaboration with Medical Assistant or Nurse (Option 2)

For doctors preferring to gather information from the Nurse or Assistant directly.


  1. Initial Patient Interaction: The Nurse or Assistant converses with the patient without recording.

  2. Briefing the Doctor: The Nurse or Assistant then briefs the doctor about their findings.

  3. Record Briefing: The Doctor records this briefing.

  4. Doctor-Patient Encounter: The Doctor proceeds to record the conversation with the patient.

  5. Comprehensive AI Analysis: The AI will analyze both the Doctor-Nurse/Assistant and Doctor-Patient conversations.

6. The Monologue Method

Ideal for non-verbal patients or doctors preferring a monologue approach.


  1. Start Recording: Enter the exam room and begin recording your observations aloud.

  2. Acknowledge Non-Verbal Cues: Verbally acknowledge any non-verbal communications from the patient.

  3. Alternative Approach: Alternatively, step into the hallway to speak your findings aloud.

  4. Flexible Dictation: The app does not require verbatim dictation; speak as if conversing with a person.

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